The Joy of Writing

“A writer is a world trapped inside a person.” Victor Hugo

For me, writing is such joy. Writing allows me to free my imagination and build new worlds, new characters, new situations and so very much more. When I write, I am freed from reality and enter into worlds that seem to come out of thin air. Most often, my stories develop organically with a will all of their own. I find this fascinating. My characters often become my friends (or enemies). They can say and do things I wouldn’t or couldn’t do. They go places I’ve never been before.

It is often said “Everyone is a Writer.” Of course, this is true. In elementary school we learn to form letters and write simple sentences. In high school and college, we write essays and book reviews. Letters to friends have been largely replaced by texts and emails. But still, we are all writers. Yet as adults, most of us avoid writing for pleasure.

Why is this? Is it the memories of being graded on papers written in school? Is it striving for and falling short of perfection? Do you feel you lack the imagination? Is it the lack of time? Is it insecurity about grammar rules and spelling?

If these things are stopping you, I urge you to set them aside, pick up a pen or pencil, or sit at your keyboard, and just write. For ten minutes or two hours. Will your results be immediately masterpieces? Likely not. But you can enjoy writing right away. With each story, poem or essay, you will improve. Writing is fun. Try to write as often as you can. Daily is best.

I urge you to discover the world trapped inside your head.
