‘A Chance for Another Life’ is a short story about a man who embarks on an ‘Other Lives Tours’ where he experiences other lives in other places.

Chance for Another Life

Arnie sensed his life coming to its end. Each day he became weaker. Tears fell from his eyes as he lay in his nursing home bed. Lying there, he relived the memories of the loved ones he had lost—his wife of 40 years, Rose, who he cherished so much: Arnie Junior, 23, his only child, killed in Vietnam in the prime of his years; the parents he lost so many years back. Day after day, Arnie relived the highpoints of his life and the many losses that followed.

Though he was weak and failing, Arnie did not want to die.

Often, he slept much of the day. His memories followed him into his dreams. One day, his dreaming stopped altogether. He was aware only of a blanket of darkness. He continued to lie there in the darkness, but the darkness continued.

Arnie thought, so this is death—just a blank screen.

Suddenly, he heard a loud, female voice saying, “Mr. Alexander—Mr. Alexander—Mr. Arnold Alexander.”

Arnie said, “What… what?”

“Mr. Alexander, The Voice said, your life is over.”

He replied, “What is this? Where am I? Is this heaven?”

“No, Mr. Alexander. Your life as Mr. Alexander is over. Now is the time for you to have another life.”

“Oh! I never believed much in reincarnation.”

“It’s not exactly reincarnation,” The Voice replied. “It’s just time for you to begin a new life as someone else. A rebirth, and a new life experience. Remember? This is part of the Other Lives Experience Tour you signed up for two lives ago. You just ended the third of four life experiences. You have one more to enjoy.”

“Great! That’s right!” said Arnie, over-joyed. “A new life to start over as someone else! This time, I want the life of a wealthy man for a change. No more pinching pennies for me. No more living paycheck to paycheck. No siree. It’s the easy life for me!”

“I’m sorry, Arnold, you haven’t paid for a first-class life experience,” The Voice said.

Puzzled, Arnie said, “What do you mean? I want a good new life.”

“Mr. Alexander, your ticket only holds enough credits for the life of a third-world farmer.”

 “What! I don’t want to be a third world farmer!” he said, raising his voice.  “I want a new life that is better than that.”

“I am sorry, Mr. Alexander, but that is all your ‘Other Lives Experience Tour package’ allows.”

“The good news is—you have a few choices. You can live your next life experience as a farmer in—Haiti, Bangladesh, or Nigeria. Those are your options.”

“I don’t want any of those options. Let Me Out!” he shouted.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Alexander,” The Voice said patiently. “The Other Lives Experience Tour excursion package you paid for only allows for one of these three options. The contract you signed clearly defines the terms and scope of your tour. It is company policy—all tours must be fully completed—no early exits; no refunds; no exceptions.”

“Now, which of the three life experiences do you choose—Haiti; Bangladesh, or Nigeria?”

“I want none of those!” Arnie shouted.

“You must pick one of your three choices. Time’s a-wasting...”

“No, I won’t!”

“You must pick one.”

A few moments later, The Voice said impatiently, “I’m sorry, Mr. Alexander. Your time to choose is up. Haiti is the default option for the continuation of your Other Lives Experience Tour.”

“Standby to begin your next life as a farmer in Haiti.”

“Stop! Wait!”

Cheerfully, The Voice said, “Mr. Alexander, Other Lives Experience Tours management and I hope you enjoy your new life in Haiti.”