The Following Are a Few of My Poems


The deep, dark pit

holds me tight,

Though my arms fight

with all my might.

Its pitchy blackness

filled with gloom,

Every hour

spreading doom.

On and on I try to flee,

Knowing well, It’s not to be…

Chancing on a Dead Bird

Having answered the urgent beckoning,

still dressed in your formal attire.

You left society

and took the long road home.

Your eye speaks how,

now, you see life’s meaning.

The answer must be

finally clear,

Speak up! Speak up!

The world wants to hear.

Those Special Hours

The magic begins

as the sun bids farewell to the day.

Work is done.

A hush creeps over the world.

Peach in the sky

turns pale, to dark blue,

then fades to black.


Stars begin to awaken from their daily nap.

They blink and rub sleep from their eyes

as night birds begin their lullabies.

The moon slowly shows her face.


These special hours.

Time to be still.

Reflect on work well done.

Treasure family and friends.

Remember many good times

and count life’s blessings.



all too soon,

before the counting comes to a close,

the Sandman returns for his nightly visit.


The Hidden Grotto

Hidden from the world lies a place so divine,

dark and quiet, it heralds peace within.


A place known to

but a chosen few,

its walls laced with delicate ferns

dripping with crystalline dew.


Hear the drops and trickles falling

musically to the stream below.


Deep within its walls

 dwell those shadowy few,

nymphs and faeries

 and others too.


Naiads, hydriads

and their spirit kind,

lie in serene repose.


Ye blessed visitors

who this place find,

Keep these secrets

so divine.

Beware the Pirate Cove

Beware young and old alike

for the place that is a scary sight.

It’s the pirate’s cove

sure enough, by Jove.


Protected by Sunset Reef,

raiders there will come to grief.


There amongst the shoals

many here have

lost their souls.


Daring ones who venture

there by skiff,

often fail to spy their

shack, under the cliff.


The shack is there

though hard to see.

Tattered and weathered

and leaning alee.


Their fighting ship

is hard to seek,

for its hidden well up

the nearby creek.


Bloodthirsty pirates

ready to take your life,

To poke you or stab you

with their long, sharp knife.


What Wind is For…

A Gentle Breeze

caresses the sea with ripples

A gentle breeze

treats the nose with the scent of perfume.

A gentle breeze

shouts warning of danger to prey animals.


A Light Wind

tickles the sea with wavelets.

A light wind

brings comforting coolness on a summer day.

A light wind

urges us into the protection of a jacket

on a cold fall day.

A light wind

delights children flying kites.


A Strong Wind

fetches up waves on the sea.

A strong wind

makes clouds race across the sky.

A strong wind

urges us to the comforts of home and hearth


A Roaring Wind

builds angry waves upon the sea.

A roaring wind

fells trees in forests and fields.

A roaring wind

tells vivid tales of danger


A Hurricane Wind

raises towering waves upon the sea.

A hurricane wind

sends its watery reach far inland.

A hurricane wind

elicits prayers for safety and succor.


This Is What Wind Is For

I Shop, Therefore I Am

 March! March! March!

Marketing’s pounding drum.

Beat! Beat! Beat!

Hear the thundering feet.

Come one, Come all!

Answer the piper’s call.

Act fast! Act fast!

The sales will not last!

Need, Need, Need!

You will not be freed.

Credit, Credit, Credit!

As long as you can get it.

Spend, Spend, Spend!

Will it ever end?

Pawns, Pawns, Pawns,


The illusion We

are in control.